What standard gases do I need to calibrate my instrument (F-9XX) on my own?
Please first see - How often do I need to recalibrate my gas analyzer? for information on whether a baseline or full calibration is needed.
Standard gases are only required for full calibrations. Please see the table below for the needed standard gases to calibrate your gas analyzer. White cells show the needed components to set a baseline or zero for the sensors, grey cells show the needed standard gases for the span or gain calibration, and the green cells show what we use at our facility to validate the calibrations. CaHNaO 2 KMNO 4 16% CO 2 95% CO 2 50% O 2 2 ppm C 2 H 4 5 ppm C 2 H 4 75 ppm C 2 H 4 100 ppm C 2 H 4 500 ppm C 2 H 4 (Soda lime) (Potassium Permanganate) F-920 P P P P F-940 P P P P P P P F-950 P P P P P P P F-960 P P P P P P P CaHNaO 2 (Soda lime) KMNO 4 (Potassium Permanganate) 16% CO 2 95% CO 2 50% O 2 2 ppm C 2 H 4 5 ppm C 2 H 4 75 ppm C 2 H 4 100 ppm C 2 H 4 500 ppm C 2 H 4 F-920 P P P P F-940 P P P P P P P F-950 P P P P P P P F-960 P P P P P P P White: Set zero Grey: Span Gas Green: Verification Gas